Sunday 10 am Sunday School & Bible Class
Sunday 11:30am Breaking of Bread
Sunday 5:00pm Gospel Meeting
Tuesday 8:00pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Reading
Wednesday 6:50pm Bible Explorers for children (October to March)​
We are a group of Christians from a variety of backgrounds. Each of us is trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We are not perfect but we each have known the transforming power of the Lord Jesus in our lives, freeing us from the guilt of sin and the fear of death. We meet regularly to worship, pray, study the scriptures and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to follow the teachings of the Bible in all that we do, believing the Bible to be the living Word of God.
Thomas St, Dungannon BT70 1HN, UK
028 37548255 / 07887736990
If you would like a free Bible or other Christian literature simply leave your details on the form and we will be in touch. We have a number of Bibles in other languages so just ask and hopefully we will be able to get you what you need.